Doncaster Gypsy and Traveller Voice project and community members identified an issue within the communities regarding the negative stereotyping of Gypsies and Travellers; particularly of young people, largely due to current media portrayals.
Consequently, to address these issues staff in collaboration with the local Gypsy and Traveller communities tried to redress the balance by engaging in a fully participating programme of activity and learning by rediscovering their past and sharing it both within their own communities and to a wider Doncaster audience through a variety of different mediums
We wanted to show a deeper insight into all the communities who are classified as “Travellers” to show how they are not one harmonious group, but have very different communities, with different value systems and lifestyles. From the Ethnically Protected groups of Romany Gypsy, Irish Travellers and Scottish Gypsy/Travellers to the lifestyle and economic Travellers such as Traveller Show People.
Working in collaboration with local Art facilities, Doncaster Council and other available media outlets, the project aimed to dispel myths and create a lasting legacy for Doncaster. This involved community members learning new skills in the use of Social Media, photography, filming and interview techniques and developing communication skills, the collection and display of local artefacts ect.
The project culminated in an exhibition at the central Doncaster museum, a photographic display at DARTS and the Doncaster Corn Exchange, A photographic book / magazines, and magazine articles during the life of the project, two awareness raising months and a vibrant and lively website that will remain as part of the legacy.
The Proud Gypsy Traveller was funded through Heritage Lottery to explore the history of these vibrant and much misunderstood communities.
The project looked at a time span of 1900-2000 and focus on Doncaster.
Use the hashtag #proudgypsytraveller on Twitter , Facebook or Instagram.
This project will only be as good as the participants contributions.
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