The Proud Gypsy Traveller (Doncaster)Project
Violet Cannon
The Proud Gypsy Traveller (Doncaster)Project
Violet Cannon
Suitcase Under the Bed images by Joe Windas
20th October 2016
Images taken by Joe Windas who runs the Facebook Page
A Drive Down Memory Lane
Collection of Images showing travel and Work with in the Gypsy and Traveller Community
Violet Cannon the owner of the lace cushions with Maureen Frazer, the maker of the cushions
Collection of horse items
Scoth Dray recently repainted by Kallum Dugdale
Walsall Double Buckle Harness displayed
Story found with Newspaper Archives dating back to 1902
Susie and Mick Darling entertaining
Collection of images captured by Violet Cannon
Violet Cannon and Joe Windas
Joe Windas capturing an image of himself
Mick Darling teachig the younger generation how to make wooden pegs
expoling the exhibition Violet Cannon and small child
a collection of images captured by Violet Cannon
Violet Cannon running a Paper Flower making workshop
our young photographer enjoying the company of our event currator
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