Hi welcome to my first blog have never written a blog of any kind and I have certainly never published one, so here we go.
I am the Cultural Heritage Project Assistant,
Anything technical I tend to leave to my co worker Violet but this time I have been asked specifically to write something for our project, i want you to know it’s not as hard as it sometimes seems, and I will get the hang of it, one of the days. I am kinda gonna learn as we go, just like our participants
The Heritage project is for the Gypsy’s and Travellers of Doncaster, we want them to own this and be a big part of it. It is for you to tell your storys with your own words and photos for the world to see the real Gypsy and Traveller. the true side, not the stereo typical ones we usually see and hear about. So please I ask you take time to have a look at the web site and if you can or would like to get involved let us know.
To tell you a bit about my self I am a wife, mother and also a granny so to be doing this at my time of life feels is a bit odd. I had to learn a lot of things as time as gone on with this project. The first thing I had to learn was how to record people telling their stories, this is no easy job as you have to learn how not to speak in between the story the person is telling yo.u this is very hard, as I had to learn how to just nod my head at the person rather than speaking.
Then the next thing was for me to ask the person about the photos they were showing me and I had to make sure I numbered them correctly in order so that the interview I had recorded fit with the right photo that had been took.
I do believe that the best is yet to come, when I have to load them up with the voice over, hope you all keep visiting the web site to see how I am doing.